Gather, Grow, Go

To help our theme become a reality, we have decided to break our church ministries up into three main areas. The heart behind Gather, Grow, and Go is that we would understand the purpose that each of our ministries has.

We are not trying to monopolize your time by offering so many ministries. Rather, it is our desire to offer valuable opportunities for growth, service and fellowship in the context of the local church.



Gathering has always been a part of the Christian faith. Our desire is that as we gather for worship we would be drawn closer to Christ and changed into His image. While spiritual growth is the main focus, another important aspect of gathering is that it gives us an opportunity to invite our friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family members to join us. The main Gathering event is going to be the Sunday morning worship service. While we want you to feel free to invite anyone at anytime, this service is one where a clear presentation of the gospel will be given, and each person will have an opportunity to put their faith in Jesus as well as take some next steps in the journey with Christ.


Growing has always been the desire of God for the believer. We have many opportunities throughout the week for you and your family to take part in things that will help you grow in your faith. Prayer Meeting, Kids Ministry, Children's Church, Youth Group, VBS, and Men and Ladies Bible Studies are all opportunities for you to grow deeper in your walk with God, and also deeper in relationship with other Christians.




When growth is happening, then going is a natural result. We offer many opportunities to serve at Northside. For some, service means being involved in the weekly ministries we have going on. Nursery, children's church, Kids Ministry, the Welcome Team, and the music ministry are crucial to Northside’s health. We also have many times throughout the year where you can be involved in community outreach events, missions trips, and discipleship. One of the biggest ways that each of us can “Go” is to simply maintain a solid Christian testimony in our homes, places of employment, and everyday living.